Evaluate AI Capabilities With the Assessments by DataNorth

Assess your data quality, uncover biases, and validate your AI models to determine your AI readiness. Gain AI-powered insights.
Identify opportunities and gaps in your AI strategy
Ensure unbiased, high-quality AI models with a thorough evaluation

Trusted by 1000+ brands worldwide

Feel free to contact us.

Assessments Geared to Optimize Your Business

Our assessments are designed with your business in mind. Whether starting or optimizing your AI journey, we offer clear insights into your AI efficacy.
AI Assessments - Organization Evaluation Donut Chart

Organization Evaluation:
Understanding your company

A week long evaluation process by our DataNorth AI-experts to understand your company and it’s processes
We interview your board/MT, IT department and 3 other departments of your choice

Identification of Opportunities: Discover Potential 

After the evaluation of your organization our AI experts analyse your current company processes
When we analyze, we identify the most promising opportunities for automation using Artificial Intelligence (solutions).
AI Assessments - Identification of Opportunities Donut Chart
AI Assessments - Risk Assessment Donut Chart

Risk Assessment:
Finding possible threats of using AI

Our AI-experts evaluate the possible threats of using AI
We do a risk assessment using our AI Readiness model
We assess your company’s data quantity & quality for safety measures

Final Reporting & Consultation: Presenting your AI potential

We provide a comprehensive report based on the full evaluation done by our DataNorth AI-experts
Get insights and possible use cases of AI in your organization
A final consultation will be provided by our experts at the time of report delivery
AI Assessments - Reporting & Consultation Donut Chart

Our Fields of Assessment Expertise 

Get a comprehensive understanding of your AI capabilities with our experienced team. Explore our areas of proficiency and realize the power of validated AI systems.
Computer Vision assessment
Deep Learning assessment
Generative AI assessment
Machine Learning assessment
NLP assessment

Experience the Benefits of AI Consulting

Boost Efficiency
Automate tasks with AI to save time & increase productivity.
Make Better Decisions
Use AI-driven insights for better-informed, effective decisions.
Happier Customers
Leverage AI to personalize & improve customer experiences.
Foster Innovation
Leverage AI to drive innovation & stay competitive.

We Take Your Data Privacy & Security Seriously

Our solutions can be developed for both cloud and on-premise deployment.
Ready to optimize your business with our thorough AI assessments?
Let's talk over the phone!
We love to explain more about DataNorth AI Consulting via a short phone call. Leave your contact details below and we will get in touch with you!
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We are available for calls in English and Dutch during office hours (CEST timezone). You can reach us at +31 50 2111631.