Document AI for the customs industry

Replace manual processes by modern, easy to manage, automated and compliant digital alternatives. Automate visual inspections and customs document data extraction. Reduce costs, increase productivity and prevent fraud with the smart document solutions from Klippa.

Trusted by 1000+ brands worldwide

  • Banijay Logo
  • Online Payment Platform Logo
  • DZBank Logo
  • Nivea Logo
  • Krombacher Logo
  • Car Offer Logo
  • SNCF Logo

Improve Document-Driven Processes

Our solutions can benefit you on public cloud, private cloud or even on premise. Whatever suits your business needs best.
Automated document processing
Automatically extract information from BOL, CMR, customs forms, invoices, dangerous goods and more documents. 
Automated visual inspections
Automatically identify, locate and count goods in shipments to ensure compliance.
Prevent fraud and ensure compliance
Automate regulatory compliance checks, detect photoshop activity, duplicates and fraud.
Smart logistics
Gain more insights in demand patterns, improve demand forecasting and solve global logistic complexities.
Digitise archives and workflows
Transform paper archives into digital, searchable formats. Improve workflows to increase productivity and reduce costs.
Accounts payable automation
Digitise and automate the expense and / or invoice processing, approvals and payments.

Our Technology Components

Our machine learning technology can improve many document and data related business processes. Are you ready for the future?
Document scanning
Document format and quality conversions
Document to text with OCR
Data extraction on documents
Classifying documents and data
(Cross)Validating data and documents
Document management
Workflow optimisation
Get Started Now!
Up your game with intelligent data extraction software. Let Klippa’s experts transform your daily workflow.