Automate Sorting of Incoming Letters and Emails

Discover the advantages of automating incoming email and letter sorting to boost communication management and efficiency.
Trusted by 1000+ brands worldwide 
GDPR & ISO certified AI consultancy
Communication that has been sorted by automation
reduction in sorting time
increase in response efficiency
accuracy in categorizing communication
secure integration of AI with your systems
Replying to a prioritized email

Our Automated Sorting Solution

Change the way your organization handles incoming communication, like emails and letters. With the use of advanced sorting algorithms, our solution helps you save time and work more efficiently.

Eliminate manual categorizing, prioritzing and sorting to improve customer satisfaction. Handle urgent matters up to 4 times faster.

What are the Key Benefits?

Implementing our tailor-made sorting solution for incoming communication offers several key benefits for your organization:
Customer Experience: Fast and accurate sorting improves response times, enhancing customer satisfaction and positive sentiment.
Operational Efficiency: AI-driven categorization frees up time for important tasks, significantly boosting overall productivity.
Cost Reduction: Automating the sorting of incoming communication cuts down on costs for these tasks and minimizes costly errors, leading to substantial savings.
Data-Driven Insights: The solution not only sorts but also analyzes communication patterns, providing strategic insights into customer needs.

Curious How We Can Help You? 
Get in Touch With Us Today. 

How Does it Work?

Sorting of Communication in 4 Simple Steps

Categorize and analyze incoming communications with our AI-driven sorting solution.
Quicker sorting means faster replies, more satisfied customers, better efficiency, boosting success.
Flow of communication being sorted
Automated Categorization
Using AI, incoming communication will be instantly sorted into one of the relevant categories.

Offline communication, like letters, will first be processed through OCR to convert the document to text.
Sentiment Analysis
Afterwards, the tone of the message will be assessed, identifying urgent or sensitive content.
Prioritization and Alerting
Based on category and sentiment communications that need immediate attention will be prioritized, streamlining response times.
Seamless Integration
Sorting based on priority will be integrated into existing systems for fast follow-up.
“By automating our communication sorting, we’ve saved valuable time, leading to happier customers and more opportunities to enhance their satisfaction. It’s a game-changer for productivity and client engagement.”

We Take Your Data Privacy & Security Seriously

Our solutions can be developed for both cloud and on-premise deployment.
Get started today!
Transform your customer interactions with our AI-driven sorting system – quicker, smarter, and more customer-focused.
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We are available for calls in English and Dutch during office hours (CEST timezone). You can reach us at +31 50 2111631.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are offline documents like letters handled?

Documents that have been received non-digitally can also be automatically processed. In this process, documents will be scanned and processed with OCR (Optical Character Recognition). 

After OCR, the documents are digitized and can then be sorted in the same process as emails.

Who is the automated sorting solution for?

The Automated Sorting solution, powered by AI and OCR, can be used by organizations across all sectors. Sorting communication is especially useful for organizations that process a lot of emails and letters by hand.

Utilizing AI to process different kinds of communication can save resources, increase accuracy, and create more customer satisfaction.

What languages do you support?

Currently, DataNorth supports all Latin languages. Our engine performs best on data in English, Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, and French.

However, other languages can be supported on request. We’re open to training our machine learning models. If you have a specific case, don’t hesitate to contact us