User Management | Okta

Automated User Management with Okta

Seamlessly integrate Klippa SpendControl with Okta to streamline user management processes and ensure data security.
Simplified Single Sign-On from directory services
Automated User Management

Trusted by 1000+ brands worldwide

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  • Felyx Logo
  • Check Ride Logo
  • Marktlink Logo
  • Make-A-Wish Logo
  • Banijay Logo

What is Okta?

Okta is a cloud-based identity management platform that enables you to securely manage user identities and access across various systems and applications. It offers robust authentication, authorization, and single sign-on capabilities, making it easier for you to ensure data security and streamline user management processes.

Secure User Authentication

Streamline the process of granting and revoking user access
Access multiple systems with one set of credentials
SCIM protocol to synchronize account data with systems

Efficient On- & Offboarding

Automate user provisioning for a seamless start
Remove access promptly when employees leave 
Track user activities and access changes 
OCR software

Safety and Convenience

Simplify user access with Single Sign-On
More security with multi-layer access
Never forget to remove user access

Why Integrate Okta with Klippa

Improve Efficiency
Efficiently synchronize users with Single Sign-On via Okta.
Enhance Compliance
Enhance compliance by having full control over user access.
Maintain Focus
Remain a clear overview on user onboarding and offboarding.
Improve speed
Synchronize and speed up access management significantly.
“As a SpendControl Specialist, I am happy to help you synchronizing and automating your user management workflows through Okta.”
Jochem Hoogesteijn
Product Owner SpendControl
Get Started Now!
Let Klippa’s experts show you how you can automate your user management with Klippa.